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About Us

History of Project Atlantic

In 2012, George Harvey of the Brattleboro Town Energy Committee addressed Brattleboro's town meeting and made a proposal.  He called for the creation of Project Atlantic, a crowd-sourcing operation whereby students would produce visual media to help the people of Brattleboro to better understand their possible energy futures.  


The goal was for students to learn about European energy models and help the public to understand why these innovative energy schemes were so successful across the Atlantic Ocean.


Since then, the project has been a fruitful collaboration between Brattleboro Union High School and the Town Energy Committee, with BUHS students answering the call.  In the last four years, they have produced dozens of short documentaries on everything from the Town water system, to Brattleboro Thermal Utility's proposed District Heating plan, Regenerative Agriculture, Novel Nuclear Power, the Electric Grid, Biogas, the Health Effects of Pollution and many, many more.  In the process, they have reached out to and spoken with professionals including their Town Manager and other Municipal leaders, energy entrepreneurs, and thinkers, as well as Governor Peter Shumlin and Congressman Peter Welch.


Project Atlantic films have been selected for several awards and Project Atlantic Students have presented their films at The Freedom and Unity TV Student Film Competition, the Vermont Energy and Climate Action Network (VECAN) Conference, The Local Energy Solutions Festival and the Slow Living Summit.  


Each year, students choose topics and seek out adults in the community to interview.   Click Here to see what this year's students are working on.



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