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Project Atlantic Film Course

Week 10-12 Script and Storyboard

Weeks 10-12

This time is spent learning from other Project Atlantic Films, some of which are excellent, some of which are challenged for various reasons.  The ideas of planning, scripting and storyboarding are introduced.  In the past I have supplemented with a guest speaker from the film community who talk about shooting and editing from a storytelling perspective.  There are a lot of filmmakers interested in helping young people develop their filmmaking skills.


Week 10

  • Watch and Critique 2 Previous PA videos, remarking on:

    • Effective Aspects

    • Difficult Areas

  • I recommend Regenerative Farming as a “good” example, and Environmental Pollution and Human Health as an example of one that could use some editing and re-imagining.

  • Watch the following tutorials over the course of the next week or two to get students thinking about how to structure and organize their films.

    • Storyboarding tutorials: These are going to be approximate, because their projects are different from theirs, but many aspects apply.  Just remember that you have to organize what your points are at the outset, write a short script for each part, then add in the transitions. This is true for any story.


Weeks 11-12

  • Storyboard the 5 important ideas that you will transmit with your project.

  • Share and get feedback at end of Week 11

    • Iterate for Week 12, and add detail to Storyboard as Necessary

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